Fault Tolerance

This document describes the data model and related fault tolerance properties of pytask instances and clusters.

Data Model

  • New task IDs and ended task IDs are pushed to two Redis list queues (LPUSH/RPOP)
  • “Active” tasks are stored in a set
  • A task is represented by a Redis hash (it’s key is the task ID w/prefix):
    'task': 'task_name', # the NAME attribute of the task class
    'data': 'json_data', # JSON data passed to the task
    'last_update': 0, # Internal update counter, used to requeue failed worker tasks
    'state': '[RUNNING|STOPPED|SUCCESS|ERROR|EXCEPTION]', # tasks current state

    # Present on ended tasks:
    'output': 'json_data' # output JSON data or exception data

At any one time, all task_ids the system is aware of are stored in the task set, new and end queues. Task hashes without their keys in one of these lists would be orphaned.

Task States

Before task starts:
When the task is waiting to be picked by a worker - it’s ID should be in the new task queue. Represented by no value or WAIT.
These tasks are monitored and “locked” to their worker by update time. Monitor tasks will requeue these tasks when their update time is over a configurable threshold.
These tasks were intentionally stopped before they could complete. They can be restarted (possibly any worker) by pushing the task ID onto the new queue.
These tasks have finished, and should have an associated output in their hash set.

Worker Failure

The worker will stop and requeue any running tasks, and set their state to WAIT.
The worker will stop updating update_time on its tasks. Any monitor tasks will pick this up (depending on configuration) and requeue the failed workers tasks.

Redis Failure

When workers can’t reach Redis, they stop all their tasks. So long as there is still a Redis cluster and some worker instances reaching it, these tasks will be requeued.
Complete failure:
In the case where Redis is offline for all workers, the task cluster will essentialy stop. A usable Redis cluster is always required.